Bob and Mary had their problems. I think that is fair to say.

They adopted me under circumstances which wouldn’t be possible nowadays. But those were different times.

I’ve been told that a social worker visited the place they were staying in – found it to be clean and tidy and gave the thumbs up. No psychological assessments – just a quick chat.

Did he have a job? Yes.

Was the rent in arrears? No.

It was about 12 years since he’d got back from the army – fighting in the far east. It must have been hellish. He was 19 when he signed up and the only one of a group of pals who returned. He never, spoke of it – ever.

She had recently lost their young daughter. Some kind of heart condition which could happen again – if they had another one of their own….I believe they’d fostered a few girls before me. Unsuccessfully.

So, a fresh start – a move from Northern Ireland to England…

And a chance of a new life for the 3 of us….