I got in. I was an art student at last. Apart from being invested in becoming a musician when I was a teenager, I think that I was too lacking in confidence to take the leap back then. Low self-esteem. Shyness. Lack of belief in my abilities. I don’t think I was aware of the purpose of the whole enterprise. Which was to expose the prospective artist to various disciplines. To see which might be a good fit.

To let you – the potential creative dare to dream. Can I do this? Could these artworks help me on my path?

A professional in each area would train us up. Teach the basic technical necessities. Get us started. Point each person in the right direction. Introduce us to the practitioners who proceeded us. Research. Find stuff out. Get to use a library, in fact!

Of equal importance was the notion of being part of a community of like-minded souls. A support system in itself. A way of life maybe…